In direct sequence spreading, a very fast binary bit stream is used to shift the phase of an RF carrier. This binary stream is designed to
appear random (with equal numbers of 1's and 0's) but is generated by a digital circuit. This binary sequence can be duplicated at the
receiver and both receiver and transmitter must be synchronised for transmission. These sequences are called Pseudo Noise or PN-codes.
A pn-code is a sequence existing of chips valued at -1 and 1 (polar) or 0and 1 (non-polar).
Such bit-sequences have noise-like properties like spectral flatness and low cross and auto correlation values, and thus complicate jamming
or detection by non-target receivers.
Phase shifting is usually done by in a balanced mixer that typically shifts the RF carrier between 0 and 180 degrees - this is called binary
phase-shift keying (BPSK).
The digital information is mix with the PN-code, causing the PN-code to be inverted for a 1 bit and left unchanged for a 0 bit. The resulting
PN-code is mixed with the RF carrier to produce the spread signal.
There are several families of binary pn-codesexist: m-sequences, Gold-codes and Kasami-codes where the latter two can be created by
combining a number of selected m-sequences. The usual way of creating a pn-code is by means of shift-registers with feed-back taps.
The 3GPP system is referred to the next generation replacement for PDC in Japan and for GSM in many parts of the world. The one
unique feature of 3GPP W-CDMA is that it requires no special synchronization between cells. This unsynchronized nature makes
placing base stations in underground subways, in tunnels and inside buildings much simpler.
The 3GPP network is designed to work with the following two networks:
MAP network: GSM Network
ANSI-41 network: U.S. Standard
3GPP W-CDMA has the following benefits:
Higher capacity-2 times of IS-95, and 7 times of GSM
High speed data rates up to 384kbps while moving
Up to 2Mbps throughput for fixed applications
Wider bandwidth of 5MHz is more immune to fading
Accurate BS Synchronization not needed
Support for handoffs to and from GSM
Downlink Physical Channels
The downlink physical channels can be described as below:
A Comparison between GPRS and cdmaOne Packet Data
Wireless operators around the globe are launching or preparing to launch packet data services over mobile networks.
Deploying packet data is a cost-effective way for mobile carriers to balance the network resources required to
sufficiently meet the needs of the growing market for voice services and the potentially large mobile data market.
The path to high-speed packet data differs greatly, however, between GSM and cdmaOne networks. GSM operators
require a new data backbone, base station upgrades and new handsets to offer packet data services. Packet data
in cdmaOne networks is standard and was built into the IS-95 standard from its inception. All cdmaOne handsets and
base stations are packet data capable today, and the networks utilize standard Internet protocol (IP) based equipment.
GSM is circuit- based, requiring a new packet data backbone and new handsets, the commercial launch of which has
been delayed until early 2001.
In order to take advantage of higher speed packet data, the GSM and cdmaOne upgrade paths include higher speed
handsets, which will be commercially available within the next 12 to 18 months. The next major upgrade for GSM is
GPRS which is 2.5G, while the next major upgrade for cdmaOne is 1X, which is 3G. We will examine some of the critical
factors affecting an operator's ability to migrate to higher speed services and to implement a packet backbone. One
of the most critical factors is the forward and backward compatibility of the handsets--the capability of an older
handset to operate on an upgraded network and the capability of a newer handset to operate on an older network.
The commercial availability of the packet capable handsets is the second crucial factor. The Second factor is the cost
and ease of integration of the packet data network and the ability for third parties to implement services on these
data backbones to offer high-speed Internet services.
Defining the market
Currently, mobile data rates are low on both GSM at 9.6 kbps with Circuit Switched Data and cdmaOne 95A networks
at 14.4 kbps in either circuit or packet switched modes. These speeds are far lower than those available to a typical
user of a PSTN wire-line network. However, we are now entering a period that will see new and faster non-voice
mobile services. For example, anticipating an increased demand for data services, Korean and Japanese operators
SK Telecom, Hansol, DDI and IDO have already implemented commercial cdmaOne 95B packet data at speeds of 64 kbps.

Packet data Equipment requirements
GSM CSD (Circuit Switched Data)
(General PacketRadio Service)
EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution)
IMT-2000 CDMADirect Spread (CDMA DS)
No packet data capability -Single-Mode phones
New handsets
GPRS-- enabled handsets will work on GPRS enabled networks and 9.6Kbps on GSM networks using CSD-Dual Mode phones
New handsets
EDGE-- handsets will work at up to 384Kbps on EDGE enabled networks on GPRS enabled networks and 9.6Kbps on GSM networks using CSD-Tri-Mode phones
New handsets CDMA DS handsets will work at up to 2Mbps and only on 3G networks-Quad-Mode phones
No packet data capability
New packet overlay/ backbone needed for circuit switched network
Further backbone modifications required
New infrastructure roll out with existing interconnect
Technology Platform
Current GSM TDMATechnology
GSM TDMA platform with additional packet overlay
Modulation changes required to GSM TDMA platform
New CDMA infrastructure

The GSM data evolution path will always require new network infrastructure and new phones. Every one of the
future GSM data services from GPRS to EDGE to WCDMA (and High Speed Circuit Switched Data and Wireless
Application Protocol) requires the purchase of a new mobile phone to take full advantage of the enhanced functionality,
but all handsets will still be able to operate on the GSM network, allowing voice and CSD at 9.6Kbps. The GSM roadmap
for handsets is not forward and backward compatible. This means that GPRS handsets will not work on EDGE or 3G CDMA
DS base stations. A GSM carrier must make new investments in base stations for GPRS, EDGE and 3G CDMA DS, while
the packet backbone may only need minor modifications after deploying GPRS. GSM also requires the implementation of
IP based network elements to allow a packet overlay onto a circuit switched network. The links between the existing
GSM network infrastructure entities and the IP backbone are comprised of proprietary hardware such as the Gateway
GPRS Service Nodes (GGSNs) that link the Internet to the IP backbone. These are MODIFIED IP routers.
Using standard IP routers would have given network operators and corporate customers vendor choice, interoperability,
economies of scale with existing purchasing patterns and the like. The biggest issue with GGSNs is that new pieces of
equipment raise security concerns with IT departments. This can hinder the deployment of a mobile data application due
to the need for integration and testing. Since network operators are interested in the data traffic, this barrier to the sale
presents a challenge for the corporate work force. Discussions with suppliers of both standard IP routers and GGSNs have
indicated that a GGSN will typically cost three to four times more than the equivalent IP router, presenting another sales
barrier. Network operators are likely to subsidize the GGSN element- perhaps even giving it away free of charge with a
minimum number of GPRS phone sales.
The use of the proprietary GGSNs in the GPRS solution also has other cost implications for network operators and third
party developers. GGSNs will not realize the same economies of scale of the Internet network elements that the cdmaOne
solution does. Corporations all over the world are implementing standard routers in their corporate landline Intranets and
for standard Internet access. IT departments are building knowledge and skills with standard IP network equipment. The
addition of a new version of a router -GGSNs-- will require IT employees to learn new non-standard router configurations
specific to each GGSN vendor. We believe that this will hinder the implementation of GPRS in corporate environments.
The cdmaOne packet data implementation, on the other hand, utilizes standard routers, which are the same ones used in
the landline Internet. The same IT professionals working on a corporate landline Intranet could transfer the same skills to
a mobile Intranet based on cdmaOne. This will result in greater revenues for operators and lower costs for corporations.
Operators will not need to be integral in developing every application that is used on its network, and corporations will
require fewer resources to develop applications.
GPRS will also eventually require Mobile IP in order to offer full mobility within the Internet. Without Mobile IP, the GPRS
network will not be able to identify a node such as a portable computer that has a standard IP address. For example, GPRS
subscribers with portable computers will not be able to log into a corporate network using GPRS alone. The GPRS network
will require Mobile IP to allow the corporate network to authenticate the IP address of the portable computer. Since Mobile
IP requires more network resources, this may lead to a reduction in the volume of data available on each packet as the
transport layer information increases. The implication is that GPRS networks will be less efficient than cdmaOne networks.
cdmaOne uses Mobile IP as its transport layer.
Packet Data Equipment requirements
IMT-2000 CDMAMulti-carrier 1X(MC 1X)
IMT-2000 CDMAMulti-carrier 3X(MC 3X)
95A handsets will work on all future networks: 95B, 1X and 3Xat 14.4Kbps-Single-Mode phone *
Standard inchipsets 1999
95B handsets will work on 95A networks at 14.4Kbps and 95B, 1X and 3X systems at speeds up to 114 Kbps-Single-Mode phone
1X standard in chipsets in 2001
1X handsets will work on 95A networks at 14.4Kbps, 95B Networks at speeds up to 114 Kbps and 1X and 3X networks at speeds up to 307Kbps-Single-Mode phone
New handsets
3X handsets will work on 95A networks at 14.4Kbps, 95B networks at speeds up to 114Kbps and 1X networks at speeds up to 307 Kbps and 3X networks at 2Mbps-Single-Mode phone
New software in BSC (Base Station Controller)
1X requires new software in backbone and new channel cards at base station
Backbone modificationsNew channel cards at base stations
Technology Platform

cdmaOne is based on IP standards, giving it an inherent advantage over GPRS. Current cdmaOne phones have the standard
IP protocols built into the handset, and cdmaOne networks use IP addressing within the network without the need for an
additional IP layer being added to the packet transport layer. This allows for a high degree of backward and forward hardware
compatibility for network operators looking to implement new higher speed data services and evolve to 3G, which is an
IP-based standard.
Today's cdmaOne networks already incorporate an IP gateway referred to as the Inter-Working Function (IWF). This is essentially
a standard IP router built into the network, routing IP packets without the need for them to be handled by an analog modem.
The IWF receives information from the mobile phone in Point to Point Protocol (PPP) format and assigns a temporary IP address
for that session. Experts estimate the cost for rolling out a full network upgrade for 45 million POPS from GSM to GPRS is about
US $125 million. Adding packet data to a CDMA network is far less expensive: less than $5 million dollars. cdmaOne phones
and base stations already have IP protocols built in.
Having the IP gateway as a standard feature NOW therefore represents a significant advantage to cdmaOne network operators.
The cdmaOne configuration is based on existing corporate infrastructure standards. Certain network infrastructure manufacturers
have stated that their new cdmaOne infrastructure allows the incorporation of ANY standard router from any manufacturer into
the IWF. A standard RADIUS server undertakes billing information and authentication in the network, and messaging is handled
using SMTP. Integrating high speed cdmaOne data in a corporate network will be much easier than with GPRS, as the infrastructure
of cdmaOne is based on what is considered to be standard corporate infrastructure components. Since there is backward and
forward compatibility in the cdmaOne handsets, any handset can operate on any cdmaOne network, (assuming the same frequency
or the use of multi-band phones) of that cdmaOne network (95A, 95B or 1X) at the highest available speed possible by both the
handset and network. For example, 1X handset will be capable of 14.4 Kbps on a 95A network and 64 Kbps on a 95B network. A
95A handset will operate on a 95A, 95B or a 1X network, but only at 14.4Kbps
* Across the raw air link; assumes 8 concatenated channels. With GPRS, the figures also assume no error correction on data transferred.
^ Indicates initial/ current support (4 slots for GPRS)
" The typical data rate available to an individual user
We can see from this analysis that the maximum theoretical speeds available over GPRS are in fact higher than 95B but less than 1x-but
in initial commercial implementations we expect 95B to outperform GPRS. KT Freetel, and Hansol in Korea, commercially launched 95B
in 1999 while DDI and IDO of Japan launched commercial service in 2000. Several, but not all, of the GPRS network infrastructure vendors
are planning to support the maximum eight channels in their technical implementations. GPRS has a disadvantage in that the initial GPRS
capable mobile terminals are expected to support only a maximum of four simultaneous channels. GPRS and voice both use the same traffic
channels, meaning that that both voice and data are competing for the same resource. Network operators, wherever they are in the world,
are reluctant to dedicate channels or assign priority to data over voice. Because of real world limitations the typical bandwidth available to
a GPRS user is expected to be less than 30 kbps, similar to the wire-line data transfer rates in 1999 and below today's 95B.
EDGE has a maximum theoretical data rate of 384 kbps, but EDGE works in a similar way to GPRS in that this would require all 8 timeslots-
which is unlikely-- to be available to a single user who would also need to be given priority over voice. As such, the theoretical maximum is
once again an irrelevant figure to an end user. We expect uses to get 114 kbps data rates.
We estimate that CDMA 1X will allow approximately 90% throughput of the implemented bandwidth to the application layer and therefore
offers a typical user rate of 130 kbps, five times the typical data rate available to a GPRS user. It should be noted that the144 kbps rate is
From this analysis, we can see that the packet data design that is standardized in the network and handsets of the cdmaOne standards
technology facilitates easier and therefore less expensive packet data implementation than GPRS from a network operator, handset,
application developer and corporation's point of view. All cdmaOne handsets are packet data capable and work on all implementations
of cdmaOne networks. Phones do however remain a significant barrier to the widespread uptake of higher speed data services on both
GSM and CDMA networks.
Prepared by Warren Carley and Simon Buckingham
Mobile Lifestreams Limited
9 The Broadway
Newbury, Berkshire
RG14 1AS, UK
Tel +44 7000 366366
Fax +44 7000 366367